Genre: Dystopian Novel
The Hunger Games Trilogy is one of the most popular trilogy for teens that has been written in the past two decades. As most of us already know The Hunger Games Trilogy is about a dystopian future where a new government has risen in a war torn North America and each year has all 12 of thy outlying districts around the capital send one girl and boy between the ages 12 through 18 to fight in the arena and be named victor of The Hunger Games. I first read these books in 5th grade after seeing my friends tell me how much they enjoyed them and how I would too. hey were right The Hunger Gamed Trilogy immediately became one of my favorite series. I would rate this book 4 1/2 out of 5 stars because this series was such a page-turner, I could not stop reading them. I really enjoyed the plot twists and the story that author, Susanne Collins told. I would recommend this book to Young Adults and Middle Schoolers with a warning that here is some kissing but its not all that bad, there's nothing to graphic.