Genre: Dystopian Novel
Pages: 225
The Giver by Lois Lowry is about a young boy named Jonas, who is growing up in a futuristic society where there is no color, no emotion, and no complete control over pretty much any major decision in your life. In this futuristic society that Jonas lives in, every aspect of your life from your job to who you marry is decided for you. The Giver is a great book for people who would like to get into Dystopian novels and may not have read one before. This was the first novel I read that was about a Dystopian society and it definitely got me interested in reading others like it. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and it is definitely one of my favorites. I would rate this book 2 out of 5 stars because I found thought it was kind of short and didn't give much detail to some other thigs that popped up in the storyline.*
** This book is actually the first in a series so if you like this one you should check out the others, though in my opinion, they are not as good as the first.**