Genre: True Story
Pages: 398
Unbroken is the captivating story of a Olympian turned World War 2 Bomber. Louis Zamperini, you have probably never heard of him but his story is incredible. In May of 1943, Louis and his crew flew out over the Pacific Ocean on the search for a missing bomber but they never returned to base that night. Their plane had malfunctioned and had crashed into the ocean, only Louis and two of his crewmates survived. They survived for 30 plus days with little water and food, and no protection from the blinding sun. Finally, when all hope seemed lost a boat found the and brought them on board. Again luck seemed to be against them, this was no American ship put a Japanese boat. Luckily, Louis and his crew were now POWs or Prisoners of War so they were treated well. The Japanese boat dropped them off at a POW camp and sailed off again. Louis stayed in Prisoner of War camps for almost two years, being badly beaten and starved until he was on the verge of dying. Finally, World War 2 ended and he and his fellow Prisoners of War were released and sent home. This book was captivating and hard to put down. I had never heard of Louis Zamperini and his story before reading this book and I wish I had his story is one I will remember for the rest of my life. I would rate this book 5 out of 5 stars because it was written with such emotion that it felt like I was there with Louis floating across the Pacific Ocean. I would recommend this book to Young Adults because it is pretty graphic and has some hard topics.