Genre: True Story
Pages: 109
Night by Elie Wiesel is a heartbreaking and moving story about one boy's amazing will to survive during World War 2. This is a memoir of the horrors Elie experienced as he was moved to ten different concentration camps throughout Germany and Poland including Auschwitz and Buchenwald. This horrifying account of the concentration camps has been said to be "just as penetrating and powerful as The Diary Of Anne Frank" and I believe that they were right. This book left me feeling emotional and horrified. I have read many books about World War 2 but when I read what Elie had suffered I realized that our will to survive is so strong that we will do unspeakable things and see unspeakable things. I can't really rate this memoir, it was honest, and moving and despite the things it talked about I immediately fell in love with it. Recently, I was told I have to read this book in school next year. I was surprised but then excited that I would be able talk about this book during discussions in class and show how much this book moved me. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to read a true story about World War 2 and survival. Even tough some of the topics in this book may be gruesome they are the truth and I think everyone should know.